Buzkashi! by Najeeb Mirza, 2012
"I hope that one day buzkashi becomes an official Olympic sport," a player says in Mirza's intense film. After viewing the spectacular circumstances of the sport, one can't help but laugh at this notion. A game played for centuries in Central Asia where hundreds of men on horseback grasp for a dead goat in order to bring it across a goal line, buzkashi definitely does not seem like the type of sport to have national teams around the world. But the men vying for the win take the game very seriously, where winning means honour in society, and the danger and drama they put themselves through make for a thrilling spectacle. With rolling hills of grass in the background and a fury of men on horses, whipping their way to the centre of a crowd, Buzkashi is a film like nothing you've ever seen.
4 out of 5
Publication Day
7 months ago
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