By Cindy Meehl, 2011

My last screening of the festival was yesterday, Sunday, May 8. A Mother's Day afternoon showing of Buck, Cindy Meehl's tale of Buck Brannaman, a traveling horse whisperer and horse clinic organizer, proved to be a wonderful way to end my venture into Hot Docs 2011. Brannaman's story of personal growth after a childhood of pain and becoming an amazingly talented and patient presence around horses was a hit at Sundance earlier this year and (just announced) placed sixth in Hot Docs' Top Ten People's Choice standings. Brannaman is an amazing subject. Interesting, handsome and hilarious, his poise, wisdom and grace carry the film. The landscapes are beautiful and the scenes with untamed horses at the clinics are tense, frightening and exciting. Meehl has captured something special here, for horse lovers or not.
5 out of 5
Dave: I nearly saw this tonight, but my wife opted to stay home with some hodiday weekend responsibilities to tend to. I am definitely more than encouraged by this wonderful review and the five-star rating. The most telling point of course is that it will appeal to non horse lovers.
ReplyDeleteIt's true Sam! You have to see it! If you get the chance to see it soon, I highly recommend it. Thanks for the comment and I hope you had a great long weekend!