Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hot Docs 2012 - Planet of Snail

Planet of Snail by Yi Seung-jun, 2011

A touching love story, Planet of Snail documents the daily lives of Young-Chan and Soon-Ho. A young couple, they live their daily lives with extra concern and patience. Young-Chan is both deaf and blind, while his wife, Soon-Ho, has a spinal deformity that makes her stand at about the height of his elbow. Footage of the couple performing tasks such as changing a lightbulb and exercising is really quite lovely, showing the extra mile Young-Chan and Soon-Ho need to go in order to do something that is so easy for most other people. Yet there are distracting interludes edited between these real-life moments where Young-Chan recites an essay in voiceover with what feels like an inappropriate score of sad, electronic music. At 90 minutes long, the film also felt like it dragged, certain scenes going on much too long and others that might not have been needed altogether. As a portrait, Planet of Snail succeeds in showing us a humane, deeply felt love story, but it did not need the extra gimmicks.

3 out of 5

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hot Docs 2012 - Vivan las Antipodas!

Vivan las Antipodas! by Victor Kossakovsky, 2011

Antipodes are communities which have diametrically opposite communities on the other side of the Earth. These occurrences are very rare due to the amount of water on the Earth's surface. In Kossakovsky's documentary, he explores the sites of four pairs of these antipodal communities. Taking a more observational, direct cinema approach, Vivan las Antipodas! is visually stunning. Watching the sun set over rural Argentina, a butterfly skipper over rainwater in Spain and lava creep slowly in Hawaii, all make for beautiful scenes. But what the film achieves visually, it lacks cinematically. There are no real insights into the similarities and differences between the antipodes (other than the ones the audience may make themselves - which personally amounted to very little), and many of the visuals feel tedious and pointless. I am all for quiet, meditative films (The Robinsons of Mantsinsaari is one of my favourite documentaries), but when the idea amounts to more than the outcome, I feel let down.

2 out of 5

Hot Docs 2012 - The Queen of Versailles (2012)

The Queen of Versailles by Lauren Greenfield, 2012

Jackie and David Siegel are building a house. The largest house in America, that is, and its design is based on the French palace of Versailles, yet being constructed in Florida. Lauren Greenfield's film is a portrait of excess and when that excess is at stake. The Siegels are wonderful subjects - interesting, hilarious and dramatic, they offer a hugely entertaining spectacle that you cannot keep your eyes off of. Jackie is Greenfield's main character and we learn much about her, from her humble past to her completely opposite lifestyle today, with Jackie offering up a wealth of access and allowance that is undeniably captivating. The Queen of Versailles is a fascinating, often jaw-dropping ride through the halls of the wealthy, with dramatic twists and turns that keep the story, and the Siegels themselves, evolving in front of your eyes.

4 out of 5

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hot Docs 2012 - Indie Game: The Movie

Indie Game: The Movie by Lisanne Pajot & James Swirsky, 2011

In the Q & A after the film, directors Pajot and Swirsky said they wanted to turn the tables on the video game documentary. Stating that for such a hugely lucrative industry, there are surprisingly few documentaries about video games, and the ones that do exist are mostly about the gamer. With Indie Game: The Movie, they set out to learn more about the world behind the makers of video games, specifically the currently popular indie genre, where one or two people are often responsible for creating entire games. The film is hilarious and often fascinating, focusing on the creation of two highly-anticipated (and wonderful-looking) titles and all of the sweat, stress, and sleepless nights that go into making them. The subjects are highly engaging (the audience was lucky to also have one of the gamemakers present for questions after the screening), making Indie Game: The Movie a wonderful experience for any viewer, gamer or not. As an avid gamer myself, it made me want to take a shot at development as well.

5 out of 5

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hot Docs 2012 - Dreams of a Life

Dreams of a Life by Carol Morley, 2012

The skeleton of a woman is found in a London apartment, three years after she had died. Even though the television was still on, no one came looking. Dreams of a Life is a film looking for answers to this mystery. How did something as sad as this happen? Through testimony from her various acquaintances, we hear stories and speculations, with the unfortunate realization that there are no answers. As heartbreaking as the central story is, Morley's documentary is a slog to sit through. I saw various members of the audience rubbing their eyes, checking their watches and even walking out during the film. Dreams of a Life lacks a real dramatic hook, and a visual timeline organizing different events in her life is confusing and poorly realized. Various reenactments and artistic dramatizations are peppered around the interviews, but watching the actress sing to herself, look depressed and watch said interviews on a tv in her apartment on what is supposed to be the last day of her life, make for an absolute bore. Definitely a disappointment.

2 out of 5

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hot Docs 2012 - Buzkashi!

Buzkashi! by Najeeb Mirza, 2012

"I hope that one day buzkashi becomes an official Olympic sport," a player says in Mirza's intense film. After viewing the spectacular circumstances of the sport, one can't help but laugh at this notion. A game played for centuries in Central Asia where hundreds of men on horseback grasp for a dead goat in order to bring it across a goal line, buzkashi definitely does not seem like the type of sport to have national teams around the world. But the men vying for the win take the game very seriously, where winning means honour in society, and the danger and drama they put themselves through make for a thrilling spectacle. With rolling hills of grass in the background and a fury of men on horses, whipping their way to the centre of a crowd, Buzkashi is a film like nothing you've ever seen.

4 out of 5

Hot Docs 2012 - Only the Young

Only the Young by Elizabeth Mims & Jason Tippet, 2011

Garrison, Kevin and Skye are three teenagers living in California. Simply put, this is the plot of Only the Young. Capturing moments of these characters' lives as they date, skateboard, and discuss the concerns in their lives (with various awkward, hilarious, and idiotic actions peppered in between), Mims and Tippet have made an extremely engaging and touching film. Beautifully shot over the course of two years, Only the Young is an impressive debut, showing us those relatable years in a very honest and poetic way.

4 1/2 out of 5

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hot Docs 2012 - Canned Dreams

Canned Dreams by Katja Gaurilof, 2012

How many countries, and how many residents of these countries, does it take to make a can of ravioli? Katja Gaurilof enlightens us with this question by visiting everyone from mine workers in Brazil to pig slaughterers in Romania, exploring the various journeys of all the ingredients needed to make this consumer-ready food item. Beautiful visuals accompany voiceovers provided by each of the interviewees who, instead of explaining aspects of their jobs, speak of everything from their dreams and hardships, to memories from childhood and their fantasies of revenge. I appreciated this structure of Canned Dreams and the way it diverted from my expectations. The simple stories and emotional confessions of these subjects made for a uniquely personal film about a globalized world.

 4 out of 5

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hot Docs Film Festival - 2012

It's been a few months since my last post. After moving to my own apartment in late 2011, attending my brother's wedding, and just taking some downtime (all excuses, I know), Toronto's Hot Docs Film Festival is already looming over my schedule. Opening last Thursday, April 26, my first of eight screenings is tonight, with the rest continuing throughout the week and ending on Sunday. I will be completing capsule reviews for each of the films I see. Below is my schedule:

April 30: Canned Dreams (2012) by Katja Gauriloff
May 1: Only the Young (2011) by Elizabeth Mims & Jason Tippet
May 1: Buzkashi! (2012) by Najeeb Mirza
May 2: Dreams of a Life (2012) by Carol Morley
May 3: Indie Game: The Movie (2011) by Lisanne Pajot & James Swirsky
May 4: The Queen of Versailles (2012) by Lauren Greenfield
May 5: Vivan las Antipodas! (2011) by Victor Kossakovsky
May 6: Planet of the Snail (2011) by Yi Seung-jun